Origenz Castor Oil Review – Premium Castor Oil for Hair Growth

Are you looking for a good Castor Oil which will help your hair growth? Well then you must have a look at Origenz Pure and Natural Premium Castor oil also known as Arandi Oil. It is for hair, skin and nails. It is a completely pure castor oil. There are no added Chemicals or synthetic additives or any other kind of impurities.

Origenz Castor Oil

Natural Origenz Premium Castor Oil is for hair and skin care. It is a natural product and it is cold pressed. Suitable for all hair types, skin types and cold pressed as well. It is Made in India has volume of hundred ml. There are a lot of benefits and how to use mentioned on the packaging which will talk in detail.

It is for both men and women. There are no parabens and no mineral oils. Key ingredients include cold pressed castor oil. It has nicely packaged bottle, you can use it anytime. It is applied for hair growth, healthy scalp and it is sulphate free. It is having MRP of rupees 447. You can use it best before 36 months from manufacturing date.

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How to apply Castor Oil for Hair Growth

Kindly check out the video below of how you can use it for hair. There is a proper seal in the bottle. Before using, make sure you remove the seal and then start using it. Apply Origenz Castor oil on your scalp and massage gently in circular motion.

In this way shown in video below you can apply it on your scalp and then start massaging gently. Leave it for atleast 3 hours. In a circular motion you can start massaging your hair. You have to properly put oil into the scalp to get maximum results.

Benefits of Castor Oil for Hair

✅ It treats dandruff

✅ Controls hair fall

✅ Boosts hair growth

✅ Prevents Greying Hair

✅ It is a natural conditioner

✅ Protects hair from damage. 

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Benefits of Castor Oil for Skin

✅ Treats wrinkles

✅ Clears Acne

✅ Boosts your inner glow

✅ Moisturizes your skin

✅ Soothes Sunburn skin

✅ Promotes overall skin health

These are some of the benefits of using the Origenz Castor Oil. 

How to apply Castor Oil on Skin

If you want to apply it on skin, apply a small amount of Origenz Castor oil gently on your face or under eye area and massage in a circular motion. Wash it off after few hours. To open your clogged skin pores and to make skin smooth and soft, add few drops of castor oil in hot water and steam your face with it for couple of minutes.

Our experience with it was just amazing. We have been using since past few days on hair and we are getting some decent results. If you want to purchase it do check out the link below.

Available at 50% Discount!

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