Well when is the Chikki time? The answer is all the time. 🙂 Chikki is a famous Maharastrian, Indian cuisine. It is also known as Groundnut Chikki or Peanut Chikki. As we are from Pune, Chikki is famous from a place named Lonavala in Pune. So enjoying delicious Chikki while traveling to Mumbai is always a ritual I must say. What if I tell you that you can now get packaged Chikki all over India. Yes Paper Boat has introduced Chikki in their product line. Let us know more facts about Groundnut Chikki.
What is Chikki?
Chikki is a delicious Indian cuisine where in there is a combination of Jaggery and groundnuts/Peanuts. It is very tasty and healthy too. Peanut Chikki gives you calories and helps you to give that fullfilment of hunger for a small time. I can say it is like the Indian version of Snickers. You can grab a bite of Chikki anytime. It is sweet and the combination of Groundnut and Jaggery comes with loads of nutritional value. So it is a sweet and healthy food.
Advantages of having a Chikki
Well main advantage is to fulfil the small hunger which comes in between meals. It is also like a sweet dish which you can enjoy after lunch or dinner. It is very healthy and combo of groundnut and jaggery is good for the body. You can enjoy a chikki rather than a chocolate.
Paper Boat Chikki
The Paper Boat Brand from Hector Beverages is mainly known for its juices. They have introduced a new product, its Paper Boat Chikki. This is a Peanut Chikki which is like a snack and can be enjoyed anytime. We had an opportunity to taste the Chikki.
First and foremost I was glad to see the packing of the Chikki. It was easy to open and it felt like there is some quality food product inside. It felt like finally our beloved Peanut Chikki was glamorized. There were 2 pieces of Chikki. The Chikki was crisp and tasty. It was sweet and it seemed to be a quality product indeed.
The weight of the product is 31g and it is priced only at Rs.10. So it can be an alternative to a chocolate and is a healthy snack indeed. It was fun enjoying the Paperboat Chikki, have you tried one? You can grab it from your near by grocery store.
Also read: Paper Boat Chilli Guava Drink Review